Heidi Tryland, Osteopath

Osteópata | MROE N°685


Schedule by appointment only (book here), no walk-in appointments. I’m working with safety measures in place as required. Please do not arrive early, you must wait until your appointment time as we are limited to the number of people allowed in the waiting area. Please bare this in mind when arriving for your appointments. Thank you.

Heidi Tryland is a UK qualified and Spanish registered osteopath (MROE N°685). She is Norwegian and graduated from The British College of Osteopathic Medicine in London. With various careers, after receiving only one osteopathic treatment in England she was so impressed that she decided to become an osteopath herself. After having worked at the Osteopathic Health Centre in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, for over 7 years; and Mombasa Osteopathic Clinic in Mombasa, Kenya, for 5 years, Heidi set up base in Denia, Spain, in June 2017. Heidi is also experienced in cranial osteopathy and osteopathy for young children. Born in Norway, Heidi is an English and German speaking osteopath, fully bilingual and able to practise without limitations in both English and German.

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Heidi Tryland, Osteopathin

Heidi Tryland ist eine in Großbritannien qualifizierte und registrierte Osteopathin (Spanien, MROE Nr.685). Sie ist Norwegerin und hat ihr Studium an der British College of Osteopathic Medicine in London absolviert. Nach nur einer osteopathischen Behandlung in England war sie so beeindruckt, dass sie sich entschloss, selbst Osteopathin zu werden. Heidi war über 7 Jahre im Osteopathic Health Center in Dubai (Vereinigte Arabische Emirate) und 5 Jahre in Mombasa Osteopathic Clinic, Kenia, tätig. Zeit Juli 2017 arbeitet sie in Denia. Heidi hat außerdem Erfahrung in der kranialen Osteopathie und Osteopathie für Jugendliche und Kinder. Sie spricht Englisch und Deutsch.

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Video. “Osteopathie – Heilen mit den Händen” (2019). Regie: Antje Christ. Schau hier Online 

(12 April) “Wow at last I have found a brilliant osteopath. I highly recommend Heidi and so pleased to have found her a real miracle worker, caring and very professional, a real expert.” [Facebook]

Sam Macwhinnie